Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Cleaning

So, I started some pretty hard core spring cleaning today. Much needed. I decided to work in my laundry room, which I hoped to finish, but I still have another hour or two of work left. Honestly, I don't think I did any major spring cleaning last year, probably because I was still getting used to life with three children. It takes me quite awhile to adjust to a new child. Anyway, I'm always amazed at how much stuff I accumulate in a year's time. I'm pretty motivated to finish the whole house and I think next week is low-key, so I really hope to knock out most of it next week.

During my immersion in my cleaning, I had some time with my thoughts because Sam was napping and Kadie was playing quietly. I really started thinking of how Lent has been spring cleaning for my soul. This is really the first year I've been really dedicated to my Lent journey. I didn't grow up in the Methodist church, so Lent is a pretty new concept for me. Even though we've been at our current church for five years (wow), I still really didn't understand Lent until this year.

I've always loved spring but this year combined with my worrying less and having more peace journey and our seemingly record high temps (at least in my book), I am so happy. Happiness is not always something that comes easily for me. I have a hard time letting go of my worries and troubles, and therefore don't always allow myself to experience my joy. That is the problem. I've always let myself be the determining factor in whether or not I experience joy. Quite frankly it is downright stupid. I've had to let go of a lot lately and I'm pretty sure that is why I've really experienced the joy. 

My prayer is that everyone can really let God give your soul a good spring cleaning. Confess your sins, pray, and live your life. I will end on some pictures and quotes that I enjoy.

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