Thursday, January 21, 2010


I'm so sleepy right now so I thought I'd write to keep me awake.

Smart wool socks make me happy. I know it is weird. I love socks. Especially cute printed ones. If they are smart wool socks with a pattern I'm filled with glee.

I'm so behind on housework this week. I feel like I haven't been home. I just have to figure out a routine that includes going to the gym. Not to mention I have been shopping and running errands every day except Monday.

Ugh I hear Kadie dumping out a container of cars. I just picked up H's room. It was so messy. My children are so messy. They get into everything. I think it is because they have way too many toys. I even weeded them out but there are still too many. The problem is that they play with everything so it is hard to choose what to donate.

I really hate lady bugs. Since October I have been battling them in our kitchen and Harrison's room. Nothing I do works. I'm so sick of them.

I cannot wait to get new carpet. We were going to do it last summer/fall but with Dad getting sick, it was the last thing on my mind. I'm trying to hold off until spring. I'm  not sure why but I think it is a better spring project. Maybe late winter? I'm thinking early March. However, I may change my mind. The mismatched ugly carpet makes me want to vomit every day. I know I should be thankful that I have a house that has floors and not dirt. Thank you God for my ugly mismatched carpet.

I'm itching to do all sorts of projects. I want to paint so many rooms. Okay, well two. My problem is motivation and time. I have a hard time getting anything done with my children. They get into everything. Everything. If I'm painting during the day that means I'm not watching them. That means destroyed house. I wish I could just hire someone to do it.

And decorating. I suck at decorating. I have lived in my house for 15 months and still have nothing on my walls with the exception of the living room and a few things in the kids rooms. It stresses me out. I wish I had a friend that would just pick some things out for me and tell me where to put them.  One of my projects for this week was to get some things hung up in the hallway. Hmm.....

So Chris did some winter sowing this past Monday. I'm excited about that. I really want a nice herb garden this year.

Ugh still sleepy. Now I hear Kadie dumping something else. I guess that is enough randomness.

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