Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Gonna be all right

I am doing a 40 day devotional for Lent. I probably won’t blog every single day, but writing is a major way I express myself, so I imagine I will definitely be blogging often about my Lent journey. It often is how I hear what God is trying to tell me. And many times when I start writing with one idea in mind, I end up somewhere completely different. I don’t really think that is a coincidence.

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.
Psalm 34:8

He is good. The only way we can taste His goodness is to draw near. We are to take refuge in Him. He is our place of safety. Our shelter.

I can remember as a young girl, I would hide in my daddy’s arms.  If I felt scared, I could hide in his giant & strong arms. I felt so safe. Nothing could harm me if I was in the refuge of my dad’s arms. I felt so protected from the world around me. Even as a grown woman, there was nothing comparable to a big bear hug from my dad.  I still felt safe as a grown woman. What a feeling of peace.

Drawing so near to God, that you feel enveloped in His arms. That truly is a feeling of peace. I want that. I want that every day. And I can have it. So can you.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15

It is really awesome to think about how God actually desires for us to have peace within our hearts. I’m not going to lie. I deal with anxiety. I have a very hard time falling to sleep at night because my mind takes off and I start worrying about everything. I know that I shouldn’t worry. I know what the Bible says about worrying.  Yet, I still worry. But something about reading that passage about peace tonight really hit home with me. It is like all of the years I’ve read what the Bible has to say about not worrying and having peace has finally sunk into my incredibly stubborn skull.  I think one of my sinful behaviors I need to give up for Lent, is worrying.

And I will end with some of my favorite song lyrics from Bob Marley’s “Three Little Birds” because my strange brain often thinks in song lyrics 90% of the time.

"Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!"

Because ultimately with the refuge of God’s arms and the peace of Christ in our hearts, every little thing is gonna be all right. And that is pretty freakin’ awesome.


Jennifer said...

I am so glad I read this. I'm a closet worrier. I worry about everything, while pretending I'm relaxed, in hopes that it will just take over and make me not worry anymore. Doesn't work so well, lol!

I love that song, too. We have some funky kids cd, putam-something-or-other...I listen to THAT song, belting the words, and trying to remind myself not to worry.

What a great thing to give up for Lent. You may have just inspired me. :)


Deb's Sentiments said...

Hey sis, great blog, as usual, I too, worry constantly and over analyze every little thing and Drive
myself crazy. I have been reading the Psalms which have brought me much peace.

I love that Marley song and how appropriate is it!

Thanks, that is a perfect sin for me to work on!

Deb's Sentiments said...

Hey sis, great blog, as usual, I too, worry constantly and over analyze every little thing and Drive
myself crazy. I have been reading the Psalms which have brought me much peace.

I love that Marley song and how appropriate is it!

Thanks, that is a perfect sin for me to work on!

Deek said...

Thanks for doing a mom of grown kids I find myself worrying about them quite a bit & I try to open my hands and give them back to God...his worry, not mine. They are great kids but they don't know what the world can do to them...And I hear/see God shaking his head at me..."I've got this, Diane. I really do." I try to remember Romans 8:28...'all things work for good for those who love the Lord." What that doesn't say is; not all things are good...but God can use what was intended as bad for good...and that's what I hold on to.

The Happy Holbrooks :) said...

Thanks ladies. I'm so glad we aren't alone in this! <3