Sunday, October 30, 2011


I see it all the time. Every day. FML. Those three little letters make me cringe. They make me vomit inside my mouth a little bit. Between Facebook, twitter hashtags and texts, I'm sure most of us that are plugged into social networking see it pretty often.

Here is the thing. I get that it is an expression.  And for some, just an over exagerrated expression of disdain for your life or that particular moment. I understand that we all have crappy days. And sometimes it seems like we get stuck in a cycle of crappy days. I've been there and I understand. But to say FML, even jokingly? And for those of you who live in a cave and don't know what it means - google it.

I will explain why it bothers me so much. First of all, life is precious. God gives us each day as a gift, if you choose to treat it as such. If you have the FML attitude every day, I can assure you - your life will be sucktastic.  One thing that I have learned in my 34 years on earth is that your attitude can greatly influence the direction of your day. It cannot control everything, but if you choose to focus on the good things, it does make a difference.

Philippians 4:8
8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

I think if we take that scripture to heart, it would really make a difference on how we view the things in our day to day life. 

After losing two people very dear to me within the past 5 years, I understand that life is precious. After seeing how fast my baby is growing, I am reminded that life really does go by quickly.  And those things that seem so terrible really won't be all that bad tomorrow. It might even take a few months.

Another reason FML really bothers me. Probably the main reason.  Our problems are so small in comparison to the daily worries of so many. The majority of the people that are able to read this blog have a roof over your head, a car to drive, food in your kitchen, clean water, clothes on your back with extra to get my point. I mean, really? Really? 

I realize that some may think that I'm being overly sensitive, and that is fine. Maybe I am. Usually I'm pretty laid back, but for some reason, this really gets to me. We all have opinions. But I'm just asking you to think before you write those three short letters. Is it really that bad?