Saturday, March 31, 2012

The things you love the most often drive you crazy

This week I've been really focusing my prayers on my family. I want to be a better wife and better mom, so I've been asking for God to show me how and reveal areas of sin or areas that need improvement. I feel like I've been a slacker lately or just not really giving it my all. I tend to get in ruts, and I've definitely been digging myself out of one.

I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but I like to "keep it real" and I want my experiences to help someone.  If I can help one person through my blog post, it is worth it. Here lately, I've been struggling with my attitude with my daughter. She is wonderful. The problem is mine. She doesn't ever stop talking. Ever. It is certainly cute and endearing, but it drives me freaking bonkers. Often I will snap at her because I just can't handle it. The root of the problem is that I like a lot of quiet and down time. It has been my hardest transition since becoming a stay at home mom. I am not trying to sound like a martyr, because it is what it is - but I simply don't get much quiet time. I savor it when I get it. She has always been a chatty thing but the past few months, have been increasingly filled with talking. The only time she isn't talking is when she is asleep.

So, I've been feeling terribly about this. I've been praying that God will change my heart. This week, I've really been able to see things in a new light. I'm trying to take the time to see things through her little 3 year old eyes and appreciate the great detail she uses when talks to me. I still ask her for breaks because my ears get tired. I'm also trying to teach her that being quiet is actually good for the soul. She doesn't really understand that in a spiritual way yet, but she will eventually. But now, when she tells me a 10 minute story describing minute details, I sit in awe that her little brain is already so capable of remembering those things.

This week I will inevitably get frustrated with Harrison because he is so engrossed in making his pretend movies or giving me a monologue on his newest obsession.  I will remind myself that his imagination and amazing memory are gifts from God; and if nurtured properly, will be used to glorify Him.

This week  I will get overwhelmed by Kadie Pearl's incessant chatting, singing and twirling. I am going to remind myself that people are drawn to her sweet spirit. She is going to be a great story teller one day and perhaps a best selling author.

This week I will get flabbergasted by Sam's curiosity AKA exploring every nook and cranny in our house and making a giant mess while he does it. Yet again, I will remind myself that he has an insatiable need to explore and discover things. Who knows where is boldness and curiosity will take him? I pray that He will be used to do great things for God.

I have been blessed with three precious children. My deepest desire is for them to know God and discover His plan for their lives. I will not crush their little spirits. I commit to doing everything I can to nurture them into their full potential. I can't do this alone. I pray daily that Chris and I will be the kind of parents they need. I pray for the people in their lives that will influence them greatly. I pray for the "village" that it takes to raise children and that my children learn through our strengths, weaknesses, successes and failures. I don't really think it is possible to pray for our children too much.

Hold me accountable friends. I mean that.


Brandi Rucinski said...

Great read! God has obviously blessed you with more than those 3 little noisemakers and a pretty cool husband :). Your prayers are working, your insight is amazing, and your talent has unfolded. Keep writing, it'll be one of the most precious gifts to your children.
Brandi Sauers Rucinski - mother of 4 under 7 (I worked with Chris at Fox 61 as an anchor/reporter. He posted your link on FB)

The Happy Holbrooks :) said...

Thank you for your kind words, Brandi. And wow, 4 little ones under 7! I admire you :)