Tuesday, July 19, 2011


So admittedly, I'm a blogging failure. I have all of these great things I want to write about and it just never happens. I guess that is life with 3 kids. I guess I will start here...

Harrison is 6 years old. He will be starting first grade in August. He is so intelligent and such a cool little dude. We deal with some attitude issues but other than that, things are good. He loves to argue though. He will argue with a fly on the wall. He lost 2 more teeth this summer. So far, 4 bottom teeth are gone. He has one on top that is very wiggly. I suspect it will be gone soon. Right now, he wants to be a race car driver (thanks Cars 2). He reads well and still memorizes things. He is tall and lanky and lately has been eating like a horse.

Kadie Pearl is 3 years old. She is a whirlwind. She is as sweet as she is mean (which she inherits from me 100%). There is absolutely no in between with this girl. She is all about playing dress up and her princesses. She is sooo girly. She loves to have her nails painted and dresses. When she is in her sweet mood, she will just hug and love on you. She sings and hums and is just kind of in her own world. She is a smart one too. She doesn't miss a thing and is reminding me so much of Harrison at this age. When she is in a mean mood, she will squint her eyes and furrow her brows. It is actually quite comical.  But sweet Kadie.,...oh, it is heavenly.

Sam is 9 months old. Sam just makes me smile. He is the sweetest and most laid back little baby. He gets into E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. and puts everything in his mouth. His pincer grasp is out of this world. I suspect he is going to be my early walker. He is just funny. He is so incredibly tolerant of his older siblings. He loves to nurse and eat. He wants to keep up with H & K. When he is about to get into something, he starts crawling and cackling and enters "Baby Stealth Mode". This boy is going to keep me on my toes. I'm so thankful for him.

Chris is still teaching and has been working at our church a little this summer, which makes him happy. He is desperately trying to get our front lawn to grow grass and has been doing some handyman projects in our house, which makes me happy. He has grown a beard too...yeah, he is proud of it.

I had my hair whacked off in the spring and sent it to Locks of Love to be donated. I also just got hired for a company called Leapforce. I can work from home and set my hours. I'm hoping it can help out our family. I haven't been doing much in the creative realm lately because I have been uninspired and busy. I hope to dye some things soon but who knows. I'm starting the process of becoming a Le Leche leader. I'm pretty stoked about that. I'm so passionate about breastfeeding.

I can't help but think big things are on the horizon for us. I felt that way in January and still feel that way. I am pretty intuitive but I have no idea what those big things might be. Lately, I have felt very open to moving and changing things completely. That doesn't necessarily mean that we will be relocating, but it does make me wonder.

And lastly....the transition from 2-3 kids actually was not hard for me. I expected chaos and that is what it is. However, it is just so busy. I feel like I'm always taking someone to school or an activity/play date. I think things need to calm down for  my sanity. I have a hard time keeping up with the house because of our crazy schedule. I'm praying we will be able to move next year because we are cramped. All 3 of our kids are in the same room (well Sam is still technically in our room). Harrison's old room is the playroom. We'd love a house with one extra bedroom but are just trying to be thankful for what we have right now.

I'm going to try to blog regularly again but there are no promises.

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