Sunday, August 14, 2011


I'm taking a class around the book "Chasing Daylight"  by Erwin McManus. Our latest discussion was influence. It has really got me thinking. There are some obvious people that we influence - like our spouses, children or best friends. Then there are the not so obvious - like coworkers that you may not know well, young people at your church, internet buddies...the list could go on for days.

So, as I sit here and really process this in my overly analytical brain, I really want to make sure my influence is one of purpose. I can't help but wonder how many opportunities I missed to be a positive influence on someone because I let Alicia get in the way. So, over the past 2 days, I've really been thinking about what type of influence I'd like to be.

First and foremost, I want to be a Christian influence. I want people to see that Jesus is the reason I get up in the morning. He is my joy and my strength. I want to reflect the Jesus that was loving to hookers and homeless people. I want to my life to have some meaning to it. I want to live out the love that God has shown to me. Sometimes, as a stay at home mom, I feel that there isn't much I can do to show these things. Obviously, I can be this type of influence on my family and I pray that I am, and continue to get better at it. Interestingly enough, several things have popped up over the past few days and I hope I was able to show those people that Jesus is in my heart loving them, through me.

Beyond my Christian influence, I definitely have topics that I feel passionately. Most people that spend any length of time with me, know what these are. I'm pro breastfeeding, pro natural birth/VBAC, natural living, natural parenting, and an intactivist. I also feel strongly about human rights. I try to attend as many LeLeche and ICAN meetings as possible. For the most part, I suppose my influence with these subjects is through my daily life and conversations.

Something else that weighs heavily on me lately, is that I should let the mistakes of my past help me influence younger people to not do the same stupid things. It seems as if all the those things are in vain if I can't use them to help someone else. Maybe all of the bad choices I made could help someone else avoid the pain and heartache?

And one really cool thing that I love about God. He places the right people in our lives at the right time. We just have to be open to seeing them. And I may be that person in your life that needs to influence you. Or you may be that person in my life that influences me. Or perhaps it is mutual? 

I have seen so many examples of influential people. My husband teaches high school and that is seriously just one big bucket of opportunity to shine a light into someone's life. My daughter has a young lady that she just adores and wants to be just like her. My oldest son has such a tremendous influence and both of my younger children. Some of my closest and dearest friends influence me with words of wisdom.

I challenge anyone who reads this, to really think about whom you might influence. What do they see when they see you? Are you proud of what they see? Or are you ashamed? Be mindful of it because someone is watching you.

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