Monday, November 10, 2008


Admittedly I have the mouth of a sailor. And yes, I know it is not the nicest trait for a lady to have, especially a Christian lady. It all started about 11 years ago when I tried to play golf. During the summer of 1997 I attempted to play golf. I was horrible...absolutely horrible. I do not have the patience for that game. My last time playing golf, I took it as a sign from God I was not supposed to play because as I was standing somewhere on the green someone forgot to yell "Fore" and I got pelted in the shoulder with a golf ball. Then as I sat down in the golf cart to recover I sat on a bee and it stung my butt. Needless to say, I stopped playing. During the process of learning this game I became a potty mouth. The potty mouth thing continued beyond my golfing days.

So when I'm pregnant with my first baby I know that I have to improve but thankfully they don't notice the words you say for a while. And believe me when I say that I have come a REALLY long way since my babies have entered this world. I still catch myself and when I get mad (usually at poor Chris) they still tend to roll out. But God has given me a cure for this - a 3 1/2 year old sponge that repeats absolutely everything that I say at the most inappropriate times. And some words that don't seem so bad when I say them just don't sound the same when they come out of his mouth.

Harrison's current list of banned words - stupid (compliments of most Disney/Pixar movies), crap (probably both of us), damn (Daddy), dump (Daddy), kill (not sure), frigging (my sister), freakin' (me), dad gum (me), dumb (not sure), butt, pissin' off/tickin' off

The face of innocence

During our first month visiting our current church home (OUMC) Harrison tried out one of his words - damn. He was sitting with us on the pew and the pastor was coming to the close of his message - you know where he gets quiet to make a point - and Harrison dropped his crayon - out it pours - "DAMN". I was mortified! My best friend and her husband were sitting next to us and she is about to fall out of the pew laughing. Only my son....

And you are probably thinking "kill" shouldn't be on the list. Well when your son says that he is going to kill his baby sister or kill the dog you start to understand why this word was added to the list. And I tried not to add it to the list but here's how the conversation went.
Harrison - "I'm going to kill Kadie"
Mommy - "Harrison don't say that word it isn't nice and you really don't understand what it means"
Harrison - "But it is and I do"
Mommy - "Just please stop saying it"
Harrison - "But I want to"
Mommy - "Harrison, it makes God sad when people kill"
Harrison - "But David killed Goliath and that didn't make God sad"
Mommy - (thinking, OK good point) "It is a bad word. Don't say it anymore"

When it comes to this subject, I'm a work in progress. Obviously my son is a constant reminder that others and most importantly my young children see everything I do and hear everything I say. So as funny as it is...and it is funny it - is also a lesson that what we say and do really does matter!


Jess said...

HYSTERICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg... alicia - you should write a book! :)

The Happy Holbrooks :) said...

I could definitely write one of all the funny stuff this child does!