I've compiled a list of all of the most recent funny things my son says or does. Here goes....
We tivoed Madagascar back in August for H-Dawg. It was on ABC (channel 9). There is a little promo/jingle thing at the beginning and the guys sings in a whiny annoying voice "On news channel 9 dot cooom"). So one day Harrison is sitting down to watching it and I'm sitting there enjoying my coffee and the peace that comes when he first gets engrossed in a movie and he sings in the whiniest, raspiest/growliest voice..."in news channel dot coooom") I'm fairly certain I spit out my coffee. Now it may not seem that funny while reading this but come to our house, watch the jingle I'm talking about and then listen to my son. You will laugh your butt off.
Every day I hear "The dog is looking at me". Up until like 2 days ago, Harrison's seat at our kitchen table had a direct view of where we keep Gracie's dog food. And being a bag of dog food, there is a picture of this perky golden retriever on the bag. Well this dog really bothers Harrison. Every day when he sits down for a meal he makes a comment about how he wants this dog to stop staring at him and asks me to make it go away. I'll distract him and he will start chomping down on his meal and then halfway into it he will freak out about this stupid dog again. And as I'm typing this out, I think I figured out why he suddenly took over his Daddy's chair. Ah yes, it all makes perfect sense now. Oh yeah and just in case you decide to offer advice about turning the bag of dog food around so the dog doesn't look at him - it has dogs on both sides. I bought a new brand tonight...I think we've got a dog less side now.
Harrison and Chris love to talk about cool guys (like robots, guys with swords, super heroes, etc). Well Harrison has coined a phrase and we all do it now. Whenever he sees one of these aforementioned cool things he will say in a really deep surfer dude voice "Check these guys out." and sometimes following will be "Cool huh?" He especially loves to find pictures in sales ads to show Chris so he can say it. Now with all of the Christmas toy ads in the papers he is going crazy. This past Sunday I think I heard "check this guy out" about 53 times. It brings a smile to my face every time he says it.
Harrison has somewhat of a photographic memory. The kid really is a genius but that is another blog in itself. He has memorized by the book "are you my mother?" only he says "are you my mudder?" Freakin' hilarious! Are you my mudder the baby bird said. No, I am not your mudder said the cow. The book says mother a lot. I'm thinking at least 20 times and each time he says "mudder"
Indecent Exposure. My son is still mastering the fine art of going to the potty. A couple of weeks ago we were at the library and he tells me that he needs to pee. Well we are in the children's section of the Cleveland Public Library which is in the front left of the building and the bathrooms are in the back right side of the building. Now at home when he needs to potty, he will whip "it" out in whatever room he is standing and start walking to the potty all aimed and ready to go. And believe me...that is an improvement. He used to pull down his pants to his ankles wherever he was standing and waddle to the bathroom with his pants around his knees. So back to the library...we are hurrying as fast as we can. I have Kadie hanging in front of me in my Moby Wrap and we are doing that fast walk/run thing and it really isn't any faster than walking but it makes you feel like you are hurrying. I look down as we are passing the front desk and he has "it" whipped out. I'm mortified. I tell him to pull up his pants. He argues with me, "No, I have to use the potty". I advise him that he can't pull his pants down until we get into the stall as I'm trying to cover his "thing" and I'm looking around to see how many people have noticed. Of course there are about 4 people looking at us. I finally get him covered and we make a mad dash for the potty and the whole time he is trying to whip "it" back out. *sigh*
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