Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sam Chop Choppity Bop

There’s this little boy in my home. He has big blue eyes, mischievous grin, and the cutest belly laugh possible. He is actually a very chill little dude; however, he gets into everything. Everything. He steals drinks and snacks from unsuspecting family members. He is a lover of all things toilet. He loves toilet brushes, toilet paper, plungers and best of all – toilet water. He has radar for when someone leaves the bathroom door ajar and he is in there faster than a vulture is on a dead possum. His second love is the dishwasher.  This is another thing to which he has finely tuned radar. He can be 3 rooms away and hear the dishwasher. He is on it. Emptying it as fast as he can. Squealing in delight as he runs away with a colander. Stealing spatulas and bowls for his toddler band. He simply can’t resist. 

He isn’t much on sleeping at night. In fact, he is kind of a party animal. God help me when he is in college.  His all night partying combined with his love of lemons – this is probably not a good thing. Haha. He pretty much moves from the minute he wakes until you lay him down. I’ve never seen a child move this much. Ever. He loves to dance and has a pretty discerning musical taste - if you ask me. He talks a lot, but no one knows what he is saying. He loves balls. Actually, anything round that resembles a ball. And to be honest, it doesn’t even have to be round.  He loves to launch objects that vaguely resemble balls. 

I’ve always heard people say that you love your children differently. You don’t love one child more than another, but you love them differently, indeed. 

Sam brings so much happiness to my day. I’m pretty moody. It is certainly one of my downfalls. And not many people can get me out of my moods. But I simply cannot be grumpy around this little boy. I can’t look at him for longer than a minute without smiling or singing some ridiculous song made up especially for him. Even when he is rolled up in toilet paper like a zombie and licking the bottom of the toilet plunger and using my potato masher as a sword, I just can’t help smiling.  He just makes me happy. I just want to whisk him up in my arms, cover his chubby cheeks in kisses, chew on his squishy thighs and twirl around the room while singing and dancing with him. And I do. Every day.

He is the stinkiest little stinker I’ve ever met and I’m so thankful he is mine. 

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