Tuesday, February 21, 2012

People & giving thanks

I probably don’t thank God enough. In fact, I know I don’t. I have a lot to be thankful for. I have salvation. I have a husband. I have 3 amazing children. I have a warm house and a car to drive. I have more than enough food to eat and clean water to drink. I feel so incredibly blessed. I have an incredible family -both by DNA and marriage. I have amazing friends (and some of them I’ve not even met in real life). I have a fabulous church.

Tonight, I am really thankful for special people that God has placed in my life. I look back at all the years I’ve been alive and I can definitely see how God carefully places people in my life at just the right time. I’ve lost touch with many, but they will always have a special place in my heart. I think God placed certain people in my life for certain seasons of my life. Then, there are the people that I know will always be there. My husband, obviously :) Some family. Some friends. But I know they will be a part of my life until I leave this world.  These are the people that know me. The real me – and still love me anyway.

I’m even thankful for the bad people. The people that make me want to be a better person, so that I’m not like them; and the people who bring out the worst in me. Because of these people, I can see the habits and characteristics that I don’t want to possess and change them.  And because of  darkness of these people, I can truly recognize goodness and light.

Man, as I ponder the intricateness of relationships with people and how they affect our lives, it is simply amazing.  Growing up, there were certain friend’s parents that deeply impacted me. I had some great church leaders and volunteers, teachers, and bosses.  Some of them were like a second mother. Others were always encouraging. Some were there to keep me laughing. And I’m so grateful for the people that God placed in my life as an adult, who led me back to my spiritual roots after many years astray. I’m also thankful for the people who have taught me about the things of which I am now passionate – mostly natural parenting things – like breastfeeding, vaccine education, etc.

My earnest prayer is that I will be open and receptive to these special people – always. I pray that I can be used in this way too. I don’t want to miss any opportunity that God has for me. I pray that my children will learn from these people – good and bad - and become better because of them.  I treasure the friendships and bonds and I know that they are truly a gift from the Creator of all things.

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