First of all I think technologically stupid when I got married. Actually I think it was a gradual progression and 7 1/2 years later, I am officially stupid when it comes to technology. That also applies to putting things together. For example, in my pre-marriage days I could put together any boxed furniture piece, hook up any computer or electronic appliance, mainly T.V. ones. I'm not really sure how it happened. As I sit here and ponder on it, I guess I just let my hubby do those things because he was good at it. Now that he has done it all, I don't have a flippin' clue how to do it anymore. Example - Harrison needs his weekly Disney/Pixar fix so I'm trying to play Monsters Inc. Well of course my dear husband does not think it is a priority during our recent move to hook up our DVD player. Now let me back up, it took me at least 6 months to be able to play the stupid DVD player without calling him and getting detailed instructions (because it was hooked up through the surround sound and something else). So Harrison is whining about wanting to watch his movie and I'm at the breaking point of a mental break down. Normally I'm laid back but when I get to this point I tend to get a bit irrational. So I pop the DVD in and put the TV on "input 2" and the surround sound on "DVD" and nothing..just a black screen. Are you freakin' kidding me? I go through every possible combination and nothing. Meanwhile Harrison is growing more impatient with every grumble under my breath. Finally the call to my husband while he is at work and lucky for him that he answers. So he tells me that it isn't even hooked up...what?!? UGH, so now I have to hook the stupid thing up. I'm fairly certain I just hung up on him and hooked it up in the most elementary way possible. 25 minutes later, he is watching Monsters Inc...come to think of it I believe it was The Incredibles. So back to the point, half the time I can't figure out how to use this new laptop or my camera. I find that incredibly irritating about myself, but not irritating enough that I will actually do something about it.
OK, so my next train of weight. Anyone that knows me well, knows how badly I've struggled with my weight pretty much my whole life but especially after college. So much so that I had the lap-band surgery in May 2006. I did great with the surgery and lost almost 90 lbs and actually starting getting into some size 10s and then I got pregnant. My horribly cruel lap-band surgeon made me get my band unfilled when I got pregnant and something like 55 disgusting pounds later, out comes a 10 lb baby. Now with my first 10 lb baby, I was back to pre-prego weight and then some by the time he was 6 weeks old. Granted I was 90ish lbs heavier but nonetheless I lost the weight fast. I assumed it was because I breastfed him. So I'm expecting to lose it just as fast this time around because I had another 10 pounder that I was breastfeeding plus I have the lap-band. Fast forward 6 months later, I still have 20 lbs left. But here is the crazy thing, I lost like 30 of it within the first 2 weeks and then gained 10 of it back. I've been struggling losing it despite my efforts of eating in moderation, starving, continuously breastfeeding, one lap-band fill and walking. Ok so for the past 2 weeks I've been consuming my body weight in Brach's pumpkins and other assorted Halloween candy and I've lost 7 lbs. What the heck? So evidently the Halloween candy diet works for me. What really irks me is that I have to weigh in on Friday for my husband's insurance physical and our weight determines our deductible. Unless they use my pre-prego weight I'm up a creek without a paddle. GRR! Why couldn't I have discovered this Halloween candy diet prior to the end of October? Seriously....
So we took a spiritual gifts class today..well yesterday. I was quite surprised by my results. I scored highest in mercy (so poo on you Chris and Rachel). My second highest was words of wisdom (huh?) And I tied on third place with helps, hospitality, intercession, and discernment. By definition they are as follows:
Mercy - empathizes with hurting people; patiently and compassionately walks with people through painful experiences; helps those generally regarded as undeserving or beyond help. (OK, so I can see that one)
Words of Wisdom - Sees simple, practical solutions in the midst of conflict or confusion; gives helpful advice to others facing complicated life situations; helps people take practical action to solve real problems.
Helps - works behind the scenes to support the work of others; finds small things that need to be done and does them without being asked; helps wherever needed, even with routine or mundane tasks.
Hospitality - Meets new people and helps them to feel welcome; entertains guests; opens his or her home to others who need a safe, supportive environment; puts people at ease in unfamiliar surroundings.
Intercession - Continually offers to pray for others; has confidence in the Lord's protection; spends a lot of time praying; is convinced that God moves in direct response to prayer.
Discernment - distinguishes between truth and error, good and evil; accurately judges character; sees through phoniness and deceit; helps others to see rightness or wrongness in life situations.
Now I'm not really sure what I am supposed to do with these gifts yet but there you have them.
I really need to go to bed, but one last group of thoughts. I do believe I have the funniest son on earth. The kid cracks me up. He says and does the most hilarious things without even trying. Of course I can't think of any specific examples right now but I'll try to write about them. Also, I do believe I have the most dramatic children on earth. I mean really - they have secured a future in the performing arts. I'm so NOT a dramatic person and I have not just one, but two of them. *sigh*