Sunday, September 04, 2011

Let us show them justice

My pastor gave a message tonight on showing justice to others. We should show justice to others the way that God does to us. We don't deserve any of His grace or blessings, yet He still continues to pour it out. What if we, as Christians, actually showed others the justice that God shows us? How do we do this? Perhaps it could be as small as skipping your morning Starbucks every Friday morning and donating the money to your local food bank. Maybe it means skipping a lavish family vacation and taking the money you would have spent and giving it to a family who is homeless? Or maybe it means, taking half of your clothing and giving to someone who has nothing to wear?

This week my prayer is that I will be open and receptive to what God is showing me. How would He have me show justice to others? Mercy is definitely one of my spiritual gifts, along with creating. Hospitality ranks pretty high up there too.Perhaps I may be able to use one of these gifts this week.

If all Christians gave simply a tithe and nothing above it, can you imagine how many fewer people would go to bed hungry each night? Have you ever really thought about a child going to bed hungry? I mean, I've been on a diet and gone to bed hungry by my standards. But wow. Just thinking about it makes me cry. Malnutrition is by far the biggest contributor to child mortality according to the World Health Organization. About 14% of the world is undernourished. Christians, there are children dying because they have nothing to eat, yet many of us sit around with extra weight to lose, simply because we eat too much. Our refrigerators are packed to the brim and we complain we have nothing to eat, and there are children whose muscles are deteriorating and bellies are bloated because of a protein deficiency due to malnutrition.

I'm not going to lie, I have trouble sleeping most nights. But tonight I am losing sleep for a different reason. I pray that you will challenge yourself to live just a little bit more simply so that others may simply live.  Whatever it may be, just be open to the change.

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