Monday, January 11, 2010

One of those Mondays....

Today will go down in my history as one of those days I want to forget. I started out having a hard time getting started today. We finally got out after 11 to get groceries. Started out fine. We went to Earth Fare, which I loved and found some great deals on organics. This should be a good day. Organic things make me happy. As we were heading to Publix, Chris called and wanted us to meet him for lunch. So we had a quick lunch at Taco Bell. I head home to unload my Earth Fare goods and then headed straight to Publix. My children, mainly the one full of testosterone, were animals. Wild animals. My son thinks that when he is in a grocery store, he must behave as horribly as he possibly can and that stirs up the little one. One hour and one hundred dollars later, one very ill mother and two very naughty little children headed back home. The whole way home Harrison is asking for goldfish, pineapple, juice, milk, yogurt...basically everything that appealed to him in our grocery cart.

So we get home. I put the children inside and empty out the van. Literally every time I walk inside with bags, my son asks me for something to eat, despite several warnings that he needs to be quiet and play while I take care of groceries. So I get the perishables put away and nurse Kadie so she will take a nap since she is quite the crab herself. After getting her down I make Harrison a snack and put away some of the non-perishables. Now mind you, Kadie is not asleep but she is talking and singing and entertaining herself in her crib. I put some new batteries in H's leapster and hope to buy myself some time. Whew..ok some quiet time that I obviously so desperately need. I sit down and start reading and trying to relax. Within ten very short minutes Harrison starts his incessant talking and requesting of drinks, snacks, etc. I tell him it is in his best interest to go upstairs to his room. At this point Kadie is calling out for Mama and not sleeping. My fuse was short and I'm developing a headache. My options are a) crack open the bottle of wine on the counter, b) put an ad on Craigslist for my children, c) take a relaxing bubble bath. So I chose option C. Now granted I know 4:30 is not the best time to take a bubble bath but Kadie was safely in her bed and Harrison was in his room. I figure it is okay. So I'm soaking in my jasmine vanilla aromatherapy bath (which I never take I should add) and relaxing and trying to psych myself to be a better Mommy. Kadie starts screaming her head off. She obviously isn't taking a nap and is infuriated. About a minute later I hear....Mom...I'm ready to wipe. Seriously? So I get out, dry off, throw a robe on, wipe a butt, wash my hands and his and walk to a grouchy girl's room not knowing what to expect. And what do I find? A red faced, tear stained toddler with no pants or diaper on because she pooped and decided to take everything off herself. I should add this is not the first time this has happened. She takes matters into her own hands if you don't change her diaper quickly enough. Seriously... like I'm in the mood for poop clean up.

And there you have it. My day so far and it is 5:19. My only saving grace is that I'm meeting friends at Amigo's for dinner. Of course that should be interesting with my napless monster. Seeing how it is now 40 minutes away, I need to finish getting my kids and myself ready. My children are now giving me peace offerings to try to get on my good side. I have a baby doll, a felt pineapple and some other random toy on my lap.  Hopefully I can post again tonight with something wonderful. Right now it just isn't happening.

1 comment:

Rosie said...

Im sorry! I hope your ay got better. Ive had my fair share of days like that!! :(